關於京原 About Us




公司成立30年來陸續代理歐洲、美國及澳洲…等國際知名及有信譽的品牌,引進產地知名乳製品、餐飲食材及烘焙原料等,讓台灣消費者有更多品質優良且價格實惠的選擇。譬如起司產品有來自義大利 Zanetti 著名的乾酪 (義大利帕瑪森乾酪、馬斯卡邦乾酪);法國 Laughing Cow 笑牛( Cream Cheese、Mini Babybel 及 迷你乾酪);奧地利快樂牛 Happy Cow (高山起司及起司片) 以及德國 Oldenburger 歐登堡天然乾酪;美國Pacific 莫札瑞拉、傑克、寇比⋯等等。除乾酪之外,我們也代理歐洲知名的鮮奶油及奶油;還有百年歷史的德國 Zottis 優格;澳洲 Bulla新鮮希臘式優格。不同特質及風味的產品讓京原成為國內進口及販售起司和優格種類最多樣化的公司。

消費者可以在各大量販店 (好市多、家樂福、大潤發),或各超市 (Mia C'bon 、CITY SUPER、微風),百貨公司,全聯社....等都能購買到我們的優質產品。除了零售產品廣受消費者喜愛外,京原的服務也擴及到飯店、餐廳、空廚、郵輪、烘培坊及食品工廠...等。



About Us

Ging-Yuan company was founded in 1994, cooperating with Vigor Trading Company as a long-term and closed partnership for 30 years. Ging-Yuan is responsible for searching good products and the sales in Taiwan and Vigor works for all the logistics and financing issues.

For 30 years we have been representing from Europe, the USA, Australia, Japan etc. for their dairy products and other food ingredients. Our products include: Italian cheese (parmesan, parmigiano, padano,  mascarpone etc.), Hard & semi-hard cheese (gouda, edam etc.). Soft cheese (mozzarella, brie, camenbert, ricotta, etc.), Snack cheese, Pizza cheese, Whipping cream, Butter, Yougurt, Iberico meat, Sauerkraut, and Pickles.

Our business is covering through retailers (Franchise-Chain/Supermarkets/Cheese counters), food services (Hotels/Restaurants/ Air Catering and Cruise industry.), pastry shops and large-scale factories. Our belief with great reputation, sincere cooperation and quality products service would best satisfies the customer’s needs.